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Grant Policy

Grant Policy

As a dominant market player, 4iG Plc. has developed its social responsibility programme bearing societal needs in mind. In this spirit, the company supports societal or community initiatives, scientific projects and community actions that create actual value and contribute to the digital development of Hungary. Initiatives that are capable of conveying the brand values of 4iG Plc. or represent social values compatible with the strategic goals and business policy of the company are, therefore, prioritised when awarding grants. Accordingly, in the fields of sponsorship and patronage, 4iG primarily focuses on digital training and education, the creation of a digitalised environment, and performance-based grants.

According to its grant policy, in the past year the company donated nearly four hundred IT devices (computers, screens, printers, laptops, tablets) to a number of civil society organisations⁣, education institutions, and to support the digital education of Hungarian children in the countries neighbouring Hungary⁣. Additionally, 4iG embraced a number of initiatives that assisted children preparing⁣ for their secondary school final exams in the extraordinary circumstances caused by the pandemic or assisted the acquisition of computer literacy skills and talent development⁣, as well as the digital preservation of our cultural values.

Press Contact

Péter Elkán

Group Corporate Affairs and Communications Director