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Whistleblowing System

Whistleblowing System

The 4iG Group operates a whistleblowing system through which ethical issues related to the 4iG Group’s Code of Conduct are addressed. The system also allows any employee of the 4iG Group to report any behaviour that violates 4iG’s Code of Ethics. Based on such report, where appropriate, the Ethics Committee will investigate any non-compliances that may have arisen.

If you would like to report any non-compliance or abuse, please contact Compliance.

Address: 4iG Plc. Compliance H-1013 Budapest, Krisztina körút 39.

The form below is solely for reporting ethical abuse or non-compliance; if you have other complaints or comments e.g. regarding our products or services, please contact us at one of the contact details on the Contact page.

If you wish to make a report via email, you can do so at the following email address:


The following form is exclusively for reporting abuse or irregularities. For other complaints, comments, or inquiries—such as those related to our products or services—please contact us at

Fields marked with * are mandatory to ensure we have the necessary information to investigate your report. Providing your name and contact details is optional.

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WHISTLEBLOWING - Report via the Internet

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(what have you noticed, when, where, and under what circumstances; who was involved in the questionable conduct or activity; whether the whistleblower or any other person was adversely affected by the alleged situation; whether it is about a recurring activity; please also indicate if you have any evidence).

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You may request that your name and contact details be kept confidential. In this case, only the Compliance Officer and, if an ethics committee procedure is conducted, the Ethics Committee will have access to this information. However, please note that in certain situations, individuals involved in the report or employees participating in the investigation may still be able to deduce your identity from the circumstances of the report.


Please tell us how we can contact you if we have a question about your complaint or want to inform you of the result of the investigation


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Mailing address

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For more information about the operation of our Ethics and Compliance Line, the procedures governing reports, the available whistleblowing channels, and the regulations concerning complaints, public interest disclosures, and reporting abuses as stipulated by Act XXV of 2023.

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