
Group Head of Quality management and Internal regulatory
She graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Corvinus University of Budapest in 2008 with a degree in International Economics.
After an internship at MOL Nyrt., she started her career as Certification Manager at Certop Product and System Certification,
one of the largest certification bodies in Hungary. During her years at the certification organisation, she had the opportunity
to gain extensive knowledge in the field of implementation, operation, development and certification of management systems
according to international standards. By successfully completing IRCA’s International Auditor Training, she obtained the qualification
of Lead Auditor for several system standards. She then worked as a quality management manager for a domestic SME and as a
consultant in a family business, bringing more than 10 years of auditing experience. She started her career within the Group
in 2018 in the quality management area of 4iG Plc and, following the acquisition of the company, she will head the 4iG Group
Quality Management and Internal Regulation Directorate from 1 September 2022. The main objective of the Directorate is the
Group-wide management of the compliance function, which, in addition to standard operations, includes regulatory compliance
in the areas of ESG and EHS, as well as the maintenance of certificates/registrations as an operational and control function.