4iG Management

member of the Board of Directors, Vice Chairman of Board
After graduating from the College of Modern Business Studies and Corvinus University of Budapest, he started his career at
the General Value Turnover Bank (ÁÉB). In 2004, he joined the team of Raiffeisen Bank Ltd., where he worked as a branch director,
then, from 2011, as a regional director. From 2012, he directed the property investment and property sales activity of KONZUM
Management Ltd. In 2015, he became the Managing Director of KPRIA Hungary Ltd., in 2016, a member of the Board of Directors
of KONZUM Plc., in 2017, a member of the Board of Directors and also the CEO of Konzum Investment Fund Management Plc. Since
2018, he has been the General Deputy CEO of 4iG Plc. and a member of the Board of Directors of the IT corporation.