BORBÁLA CZAKÓ, Chair of the Board
Borbáló Czakó Founding
President IoD Hungary, Chartered Director Financial strategist,
transformational leader, and diplomat. Borbála is former Hungarian
Ambassador to the UK and Honorary President of the Hungarian Business Leaders
Forum, established by the personal initiative of the Prince of Wales. During her
professional career, Borbála served in various top-level management positions,
including Chief of Mission for the World Bank, CEO of EY Hungary, Regional
Managing Partner for CEE EY at Mergers & Acquisition Services,
and Ambassador at the Foreign Office. She has worked in New York,
Washington D.C., Africa, and several European countries, including at EY Global
in London, with world-wide responsibilities. Borbála has a strong global
stakeholder network in the areas of business, diplomacy, government, international
organisations, academia, and regulatory and public policy. She has earned
significant board experience and has recognised credibility in public and
private circles. Borbála earned her MBA degree at Tulane University in the US.
She was awarded a BA degree in technical sciences before graduating with an MA
from the University of Economics in Budapest. She received her Chartered
Director Degree from the Royal Institute of Directors (IoD) in London.
- Borbála is on Forbes Magazine’s “Fixed Star List,” which includes those Forbes Most Influential Women who have been on the TOP 50 list every single year since the list was launched.
- Freeman of the City of London, 2008.
- Manager of the Year for Society, 2020.