IT and digitalization are the most important building blocks for developments in the utilities and energy sectors
Energy sector players rely on a wide range of products and services offered by the ever-evolving information technology.
The availability of energy is one of the cornerstones of maintaining our civilization. Adequate energy supply is essential in all areas of human life, whether it is the economy, education, health or even recreation. The production and distribution of energy has been an activity that has been in operation for several decades, and a complex technical and IT toolkit is used as part of everyday activities and collaborations in this industry. IT and digitalization are therefore not only an important server in the energy sector, but also a major factor in energy competition and efficient operation.
Energy sector players rely on a wide range of products and services offered
by the ever-evolving information technology. Energy itself, as an industry, is
also growing and developing at an unprecedented rate, so it is increasingly
important for energy market players which partners and information they rely on
during digitalization.
Our industry solution based on utilities and energy sector:
- mobile working environment for field maintenance workers.
4iG Information technology Ltd., as a domestic and regional system integrator, is an ideal partner for any player in the energy sector in terms of professional competences, market knowledge and size. Due to our wide portfolio, our company succeeds in solving tasks in specific IT fields in this sector, while also being able to successfully implement complex, innovative multi-field programs and projects that involve multiple market players, based on our outstanding ability to integrate.